
This community has an extraordinary opportunity to create Historic Santa Rosa Landing as a park for everyone to enjoy – a transformative public space for community, health and celebration that will enrich our quality of life.

But it will only happen with your help and involvement. Your support of this project, volunteerism and active participation are all needed and critical to the success of this endeavor. This community needs you to help create something wonderful.

Right now we are asking everyone to voice their support of the park to their local county commissioners.

Commissioner Contact

Please contact your Walton County Commissioners and tell them you want the public boat park at Historic Santa Rosa Landing to become a reality! Ask your friends and neighbors to do the same.

The land use category for the property will need to be changed from Conservation Residential 1:2.5 to Parks and Recreation or Institutional. Then the county would work with the land owner to acquire the park.

Email your commissioner now…


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